We Are Here for You

If you are 18 or younger and have experienced abuse, we are here to help. We listen, we never judge and we understand what you are going through.


What to Expect

Youth come to Luna after they have been referred by one of our partners: Calgary Police, RCMP, Children and Family Services, and Alberta Health Services. After a referral is made, the team at Luna comes together to support you through every step of the process.

Luna is a safe space. You will be greeted at the door by a staff member or volunteer who will explain the details of your visit and get you settled in. 

Our specially created Child Life app is available on iPads we can share with you. The app gives you a sneak peek at our interview and therapy rooms. It also answers some common questions about the first visit.

All our visitors are unique and no two visits are the same. In general, you will meet with an interviewer who will get to know you and listen carefully to what you have to say. You may also see a doctor, a nurse and a therapist, depending on your case.

You can expect to spend at least two hours at Luna on your first visit.

Youth: Download our Youth Welcome Guide to learn more.

Parents & Caregivers: Download our Welcome Guide to learn more.


Get Help

Call 911 if you or someone else is in danger.

Kids Help Phone


Help is available 24/7 over the phone or at the website using text or Facebook Messenger.


Distress Centre


The centre offers 24-hour support, free counselling and programs for teens.

Helpful Resources


Research and resources for families, youth and children.


Canada’s national tipline for reporting information or content related to child sexual exploitation. Also has lots of great resources for parents, children and youth.


Tips for supporting youth and for removing images from the internet.


Alberta Health Services Therapy

Therapy is for children and youth who have experienced sexual abuse, severe physical abuse or severe neglect. Children under 12 who have initiated concerning sexual behavior and children who have been affected by the sexual behavior of another child, are also eligible.

For a referral to Alberta Health Services Therapy, call Child Abuse Service at 403-428-5320

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get involved with Luna?

You will be referred to Luna through one of our partner agencies: Calgary Police, RCMP, Children and Family Services, or Alberta Health Services. The team at Luna works together from one location to support you through every step of the process.


Who will I have to speak to?

The entire team at Luna is here to help. Once you have been referred to the Centre, you may need to speak with police detectives or constables who work specifically in the area of abuse, prosecutors, Children and Family Services workers, people from the medical and therapy teams with Alberta Health Services, or individuals from our caring Victim Services team. You may even get to spend time with one of our amazing facility dogs, Axel and Webster.


How long will my visit to Luna last?

The length of your visit to the Centre will depend on what type of service you are receiving that day. Some appointments will be for a scheduled amount of time and others will be dependent upon the situation. Therapy appointments will have set times while police interviews and medicals will be dependent upon the situation.


What is the interview process like?

Everyone comes with a different story and who you will meet will depend on the story you have to share. What does not change is that each person working at the Centre is here to support you and allow space for you to share your experiences. The interview will take place in a private room, which is equipped with a camera to capture your interview to ensure none of the details are lost. The information you provide will be used to support the staff who determine how to proceed. As each story is different, so are the outcomes of the interview process.


What supports are available to me through Luna?

There are a wide variety of supports and services at Luna, including counselling, advocacy, access and referrals to resources, support from facility dogs, service navigator, and more. The type of supports that you will access will depend entirely on your individual situation, and the Luna team will ensure you are informed and feel safe through the entire process.


What should I expect from my visit to the Centre?

To be welcomed and supported by kind, caring individuals who are here to help you on your journey.


If you, or someone you know, are in immediate danger, call 911.

It is your legal duty to report suspected child abuse. Reports of child abuse should not be made directly to the Luna Centre.

Calgary Police Service logo

Calgary Police Service


R C M P logo

Find your local RCMP detachment


Alberta Children's Services logo

Children & Family Services Child Abuse Hotline


Report Abuse Anonymously To Crime Stoppers:
