Get Involved
There are many ways to make a real difference in the lives of children, families, and our community.
There are many ways to make a real difference in the lives of children, families, and our community.
Your donation strengthens our communities by providing children, youth and families with hope, help and healing—now and for a lifetime.
We believe in the power of community. We also rely on it. Our volunteers help strengthen our ties to the communities we call home. From volunteering at events to directly working with children, youth, and their families, we have a range of volunteer opportunities. Take a look at our current roles and make sure to check back regularly for new opportunities!
Supporting Luna can take multiple forms. Participating in one of the events that support our centre, or hosting one of your own, are great ways of getting involved and giving back!
Organize a community event, or charity drive, is a perfect way to tap into the power of giving back.
Child safety is everyone’s issue, and protecting young people from harm is not just a responsibility, it is a duty and moral imperative.
At Luna, we live into this value, and we encourage our supporters to do the same.
Luna’s Child Abuse Prevention Pledge highlights our collective role in safeguarding the well-being of children growing up in our neighborhoods, and the responsibility we all play in keeping children safe.
It is your legal duty to report suspected child abuse. Reports of child abuse should not be made directly to the Luna Centre.